Monday, 9 August 2010


I saw this article today:

It’s amazing. It gets me excited. It makes me want to get off this bloomin’ sofa. I don’t know whether this guy knows God or not. But one thing I know for sure, he’s experienced some serious adrenalin and adventure.

As one wise friend said recently: ‘If our lives look normal to those around us, we’re doing something wrong.’ I reckon this explorer bloke would agree with that. But if he knows Jesus, this exhilarating journey was just the tip of the iceberg. If he doesn’t, this is probably about as good as it will get.

We’re all fools if we neglect to see any adventure. But we’re even bigger fools if we ignore that there’s a greater adventure freely available to us. Don’t be mistaken in thinking it will restrict and confine - it will make this guy’s little journey look like a walk in the park.