I'm doing some decorating in a block of flats this week. It's only a few floors up but the view across south London is pretty cool. As I was getting on with work today, it was good to just glance out at the view every so often, particularly as I was standing on the window ledge for quite long periods of this afternoon!
Ipod blaring, dust cascading and mind racing, I couldn't help but appreciate the sheer scale of this place; both the geography and population of it. From the tower blocks on the nearby estate to the high rises of Canary Wharf in the far background, my mind was in overdrive just imagining the huge demographic of lives being lived out between those two sites. From the academic to the criminal; business man to prostitute; addict to accountant; mother to lonely widower - they're all represented somewhere out there. There are probably millions of people going about life between those two tower blocks.
And I was wondering: How many of them realise that God loves them? Not like a bumper sticker slogan, but an actual, tangible, real, life-changing love.
The capital would be an even more exciting place to live if they all took that truth to be their reality.