Wednesday, 10 November 2010

I was listening to a talk last night given by a mate of mine. He mentioned about how complicated some Christians make their prayers. All wordy and convoluted. It's something that Jesus warns us about. Keep it simple; don't get caught up on how it sounds and how perfectly phrased each point is. Pray as though you have an audience of One.

Later on, someone else remarked on a significant prayer they had once heard. It too was punchy but powerful; straightforward but sincere; heartfelt yet full of humility.

8 simple words. No great lengths.

'Jesus, thank you for radically changing my life.'

Maybe you struggle to get into prayer. Perhaps your prayer life goes through peaks and troughs. Reaching the heights when you want or need something from God. Scraping the barrel when you can't stump up the heart to even say sorry for something. Ring any bells?

I know it characterises my situation with painful accuracy.

Dunno about you, but I need to start each day from now on with those 8 compelling words. No excuses.