There I was, just minding my own, when I was introduced to this guy yesterday. I had seen him earlier that day, but had no clue who he was. Short, bespectacled, unassuming. I shook his hand and meandered through the formalities. Towards the end of my encounter with him, a piece of information was shared with me that would hit me for six.
This normal looking fella had probably made as big an impact on my life as any other. And I hadn't even realised it. To begin with, he was yet another guy I'd shaken hands with that day; without a second thought. By the end of the day, I was completely astounded.
'Why!!?' I hear you all shouting.
30-odd years ago this man had been influential in introducing my mother-in-law to Jesus. His fire and zeal for the Lord back in his student days was such that that young lady would also become gripped by Jesus too. And when it hit me, I realised I was totally and utterly indebted to this bloke. Had he not lived for Jesus in the way he did, I almost certainly wouldn't have a very God-fearing mother-in-law, which means I probably wouldn't have met and married the kind of wife I have today! This guy pretty much changed my life...and I didn't even realise he existed until yesterday afternoon.
As I walked away in a little bit of a daze, I learnt a valuable lesson: Exist to impact those around you for Jesus. Anyone and everyone. The knock-on effects of those actions will start a ripple through eternity.
I hope in 30 years time I meet the young son-in-law of someone I had an impact on in 2011.