Friday, 1 April 2011

Everybody has faith. Did you know that? Everyone has faith in something: their parents, their career ladder, their flings, partners or spouses, their football team. Sometimes people say to me 'I wish I had your faith'. I could think of a few things in response to that:

a) no you don't; you couldn't handle the weight of it just now.
b) no you don't; you would have asked for more of it by now if you really wanted it.
c) why?

The third one is the kick in the nuts for me. Why is faith in Jesus such a cute idea for some people? 'Oh him? Ahh yeh, bless him. He loves Jesus. Seems to work for him, but it's not for me.' This isn't some kind of warm fuzzy feeling that keeps me clapping through the day.

If you 'wished you had my faith', think through what that might mean. Because it would change your very life as you know it and it would turn it on it's head. Be careful what you wish for. It's totally amazing but it can be kinda costly if you actually do it properly.

And I don't say that to boast...I haven't started the race yet, I'm still fumbling around looking for my running shoes.