So. We're in the middle of things at the moment. The saddest day in history and the greatest. The second day.
Yesterday marked the day when Jesus Christ was beaten, spat on, mocked, whipped, kicked, stripped and nailed.
Today, approx 1,978 years ago, He lies dead in a tomb. He really died.
There wasn't any trickery. No slight of hand and no Roman guard bribery. He really suffocated on that cross and really ended up in a guarded tomb, behind a huge stone.
The day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday gets little to no mention in the Bible. But its still mightily important. Today history holds it's breath in anticipation. If He doesn't rise tomorrow, the message, the miracles, the ancient prophecies, all in vain. He did some mind blowing things on Earth, but without tomorrow, when He rose from the dead, it would all count as fairly meaningless.
History trembles with expectation at the prospect of an empty tomb.