So, it's a few hours passed 6pm on May 21st. Looks like that nut-job Pastor got it wrong. No surprises there. The Bible clearly tells us that we won't know the day or hour that Jesus comes back, so I dunno how this guy convinced so many that he'd worked it out!?
What I found most interesting is the fact that so many people are talking about it! Whether the guy was miles off or right on the money, why did it spark such headlines and debate!?
That's all I'm going to say. Why was it a line spun so effectively!?
Think about it. The guy got it wrong, but he was right about one thing.
Jesus will one day come back.
Dont believe anyone who claims to have worked out when it will happen, but believe the hype, because people have an awe for God deep down that causes this kind of story to spark such media frenzy.
You could go back to living without giving it a second thought again....or you could start weighing the facts.