Yesterday I stood in the Royal Albert Hall along with 4,000 other men. It was awesome. I heard the most powerful preaching I've ever heard and came away feeling very fired up.
I was sitting alongside my brother and my youngest brother-in-law which was also pretty cool.
But i'll tell you what was even more amazing than that...
It was having the priviledge of baptising that same brother-in-law this morning at our church!
I was choked to say the least.
Yesterday he'd sat through several talks about being a man for God. How to pursue Godliness in the workplace, in marriage (even though he's only 17), and representing God out in the big wide world. All incredibly important lessons to consider and start applying.
But the first and greatest lesson he could have learnt came through his actions this morning.
Jesus says so plainly that we are to repent and be baptised in His name. So it is very important to hear preaching such as yesterday's, but thankfully it comes alongside his obedience to Jesus' call today as well.
If you want to see big things happen in your life through God, be obedient to that first command. Repent and be baptised. If a 17 year old can stand before hundreds of people to follow the call, then so can you.
Im waiting with great anticipation to see how God uses this guy.