Sunday, 19 June 2011

I had the priviledge of praying with/for a young guy on Friday evening. He has been bullied all his life, pretty much. He's also recently started getting to grips with who Jesus is. It's massive stuff to consider, especially as he has had nobody to turn to so far. I could see the truth sinking in as I explained that his saviour was also mocked and beaten up. If anyone could help him overcome the bullies at school, it would be Jesus. Jesus walked a day in this guy's shoes after all, so He knows all too well exactly how crap it feels to be on the receiving end of a fist or humiliating jibe. 

I asked him whether he wanted to pray about it himself before I did. Reluctantly he gave it a shot. There were no fancy words or rehearsed sentences. Just a 16 year old crying out to his best and last resort.

It was amazing to witness.