Saturday, 11 June 2011

This follows on a bit from yesterday...

I live a 2 minute walk from the train station. At 7am this morning I made that adventurous journey. But even at that time of day, the variety of people I passed was crazy. The chef from Italy, lighting up before his shift started. The Street cleaner from Ghana chatting vocally to his mate on the other side of the road. The Polish labourer discreetly trying to swig from the can in a paper bag. The Australian couple clearly still making their way home from a night out. The English teenager on her way to her weekend job. The South African gym enthusiast, already heading home from a work-out session. The Korean language student, off to do some sight-seeing up in town. The list of nationalities could go on for some time. Bangladesh, Russia, Zimbabwe, China. 

Right here on my doorstep.

I have only heard the faintest whispers of how great He is. Imagine what they might have to say about it too!? 

Jesus taught us to go to the nations proclaiming the Gospel....surely it's even easier if the nations are within a 2 minute walk from your home!?