I was in a meeting this morning when a siren went off. A massive klaxon in my heart. A shocking alarm.
I have many friends and family who are yet to find a faith in Jesus. It would amazingly change their lives if they did. But the guy heading up the meeting said two words which shook me up.
Anguish Vs concern.
Or to expand it slightly: real anguish or mere concern.
I'm sure many people reading this have people in their lives who they want to see in Heaven one day...!? We might pray for them (occassionally!). We might try and tell them about Jesus (occassionally!). If you relate to that or have just felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit, then you're probably quite concerned for their salvation.
We're so concerned for these people that we'll continue considering it later. Just after we've finished the DVD box set. Or after we've spent a couple of hours surfing the net.
Eternity is an incredibly long time. Incredibly! If we really cared about them, shouldn't we be anguished enough to turn the screens off? Put the magazines down? Or turn off the gadgets/computer games etc?
If you disagree, then continue as you are. Mildly concerned for these loved ones. But don't forget...eternity is an incredibly long time for you to no longer be able to pray for them.
We'll one day give an account to God for all the relationships we basically ignored in place of Glee, Call of Duty and Facebook.