Monday, 11 July 2011

Yesterday was remarkable. A bumper crop of baptisms to celebrate! A variety of stories and backgrounds that all lead each of 'the baptised' to one of THE most significant days of their lives. Many different ages and nationalities, finally standing side by side announcing to the hundreds that they acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. It was a great celebration to be part of.

But what marked equal significance for me was the unassuming gentleman who snuck in at the back. Late the night before I had been sitting alongside him on a train. God had been grabbing my attention the whole time telling me how much He loved this guy. (You might think this is strange if you don't believe in this kinda thing. But let me tell you... It's not!)

I had successfully talked myself out of sharing this information with the man on the train, so you can imagine my surprise to see him again, at the church I attend, only a few hours later!

Needless to say, he finally received the message. I'm yet to know whether it means much to him, or even if he believes in the God who loves him so much. But either way, God clearly wanted him to hear it from me!