Just a little story for you. You might not think it’s all that significant, but that’s probably because you haven’t thought about it properly. The other day I prayed for a mate of mine. He had a very stiff and sore neck that was causing painful, sleepless nights.
I prayed.
Nothing happened. No improvements. I was bewildered; he found it funny.
So, like the resilient man of faith that I am (I am totally joking by the way) I said that I wanted to pray again.
Nothing. Absolutely nada.
In my head, I was thinking – if God can raise people to life or get crippled people back onto their feet, why is my faith so puny that this small bit of nerve tension (or whatever it was) can’t be shifted?!
So I prayed again. And again. Four times in total. After the third prayer, the pain was lifting slightly, but the stiffness remained. By the end of the fourth prayer, the pain had gone and he was moving his neck freely. Cue exclamation marks!!!
It would be easy to get hung up on the fact that a) I had to pray several times b) it was only a painful neck (not blindness or leprosy, like we see healed in the Bible).
But the fact still remains – God healed this guy, there and then. He didn’t go to a doctor, take pain relief or give it any rest. I put my hands on his neck and commanded that the pain disappear, in the name of Jesus. Pretty much as simply as that.
You might not think God exists. You might think that miracles are actually tricks of the imagination or totally fantasy. But let me tell you - I ‘aint medically trained and I‘m certainly not BS-ing you. What would be the point of me doing that??? I have absolutely nothing to gain from telling you this. Just like I had absolutely nothing to gain from seeing this guy’s neck healed.
It actually happened. God actually healed him. This surely sets alarm bells ringing inside your head???