I've had the song 'Jesus Paid It All' going round and round in my head recently. Definitely not a bad song to have on loop.
But it jumped back into my mind this evening, when I opened an envelope. Inside, the correspondence informed me that a recent transaction had been processed and my Student Loan had been paid, in full. Quite a considerable sum, might I add.
I knew this letter was making it's way to me, but it's still stopped and made me think and thank, nonetheless, because it wasn't I who had made that payment. I am the incredibly blessed benefactor of something I didn't earn (or quite frankly, couldn't come close to earning!). A gift, freely given, which will make a huge impact on my future and takes what is quite a substantial burden, off my shoulders forever. I am still referring to the Student Loan thing...though I'm sure you can guess where I am going with this!
It's just a tiny little example of what Jesus did for me. He paid my debt completely - down to the last pence/drop of blood. I have racked up a considerable debt in this life. Not financially, but sinfully. And by all accounts, I should be receiving notification of unmanageable payments overdue and uncontrollable interest growing. But I don't. And never will.
Jesus HAS paid it all for me, on the cross. It's overwhelming to think of this recent Human generosity in my life; but that's genuinely nothing compared to the Saviour's irresistible kindness that I've also been on the receiving end of.
I'm so grateful.