Wednesday, 1 February 2012

It’s easy to go through the day without being amazed by life. Stood on a drafty and very early tube ride up to work this morning, it was nice to be caught by one of those ‘moments’. Disgruntled by the obese tradesman who was taking up the only two remaining seats on the train, it did me some good to read the quote below, in the book I’m currently reading. Because once I had read it, and been amazed/confronted by it, it made me look around the carriage with a new wonder. Not just a fat bloke taking up too many seats; not just a couple of Spanish tourists out for the day; not just a wealthy business woman, out to leave her mark on ‘The City’.

Take a moment to look around you at the people that surround you now. Nevermind waterfalls, rainbows, butterflies and Oak trees – marvel at these creations. They might smell, they might swear, they might ignore you – but don’t go through the day being incredibly unimpressed and unmoved by them.

‘But now, for the first time, there burst upon me the idea that there might be real marvels all about us, that the visible world might be only a curtain to conceal huge realms uncharted by my very simple theology.’ – C.S Lewis, ‘Surprised by Joy’.