There are two days in the whole of history which change the course of the story forever. Today is one of them.
I can't even imagine what it was like to be brutally tortured by a group of professionally trained soldiers. Most people think of Eastertime as Bank holidays, Daffodils, hot cross buns and cute lambs leaping around in fields at the start of Spring. But there was once a day in the midst of all that which didn't look so cute. That day saw a man, who had been tempted and tried all his life by the world, finally get beaten, whipped, kicked, stripped naked and publicly nailed to a tree. That man had never sinned, despite the temptation to and despite the world around him who continued to.
You're probably thinking one of two things: A) I believe that, thank you God, or B) I think that's nonsense, what do you keep bangin' on about it for!?
For the B people, the reason I keep going on about it is because Jesus actually did die for you and because God actually does love you. Not like a bumper sticker slogan 'He loves you'. But a genuine, life-giving, mind-altering, always-forgiving, gracious love for you.
Today marks the most significant day of our lives. Some realise it, some do not. Don't let the significance of today pass you by without giving it some thought. The symbol of the cross is the most recognised and often displayed symbol in history and throughout the world today. But it's not just a piece of jewellery or a choice of tattoo. It's where your life changed forever.
'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But after he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. So that whoever will believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.'
(Romans 3v23, Isaiah 53v11, John 3 v16)