I have been thinking about 'time' recently. More
specifically, how our view of time is pretty warped in comparison to how God
views time. Our view is incredibly fixed, limited and two dimensional. His
is above history, space and the normal minutes, hours and days that we are
confined to.
So often we
think that He hasn't answered a prayer because it wasn't done when we wanted it
or how we expected it to be done. As if we might have a better view over how
things should pan out than He does!?
This morning I had the privilege
of praying with a man in my church. This guy has been a Christian for longer
than I have been alive, which made me feel very under-qualified for that
particular role to be perfectly honest. He had shared moments before of how
he has been following Jesus for over three decades, though none of his
immediate family have yet to choose that path as well - something that
understandably causes him great heartache.
I won't
speculate on the hours he must have spent on his knees, crying out to God on
behalf of his wife, children and grandchildren - but I'm betting that it's some
considerable time.
It must be so
easy to become disheartened and embittered towards God, when the journey of
prayer has been such a long one - but he must be one of the most faithful and
wise blokes I think I have ever met.
Honestly, you
should see this guy's faith and resilience; it's staggering.
One thing I'm
learning more and more - and I'm sure this guy would back me on this - the Lord
ALWAYS answers your prayers. Always. If the outcome isn't what you had figured
out in your mind's eye, then that's not to say the master plan isn't still being unfolded. Or 'The Master's
Plan', more precisely.
The 'Yes',
'No', or 'Not yet' response you will always get from God comes from a 360 degree,
eternal, galaxy-shifting point of view. Seconds, seasons, and setbacks
to prayer scenarios are so finely tuned by Him that it'd blow your mind if He
even revealed a glimpse of the bigger picture to you a fraction ahead of schedule.
This man may
have been fighting for his loved ones in prayer for many, many years - but I
know he wouldn't consider a moment of that prayer time as wasted time.