Wednesday, 1 August 2012

How will your's pan out?

"He told me everything I'd ever done."
Everybody has a story. That story is their life - what they've done (the good and the bad); what was done to them; what they think is true and what they think isn't; what they love and what they hate...etc etc.
For some reason, which will perhaps be uncovered in a moment, Christians in particular like to tell people about 'their story'. Not because they are necessarily more successful or scandalous, but because there is something quite remarkable that happened to them along the way - something that demands great exclamation from the rooftops.
Jesus stepped in.
Sometimes this moment came in the depths of addiction or depression. Other times it was in the depths of comfort, pride and satisfaction. But at somepoint in 'their story', He moved from being a Christmas fairytale in a manger, to being a real-life, eye-popping Saviour.
The opening quote is from the Bible. It was uttered by an adulterous outcast who had encountered Jesus when she needed Him the most. He explained to her that despite how much He knew of her sordid life, the love of God was there for her, if she just acknowledged Him and turned over her trust to Him.
She did. And then went running to tell anyone who would listen about this remarkable man and life-altering truth and freedom that she had just discovered. 
Much as I've tried to do on this blog from time to time I guess.
You see, I have a story as well. It was no more or less selfish or satisfied than yours or hers. I wasn't a drug-dealing murderer and I wasn't a clean-nosed Choir boy either. I was disobedient, lustful, drunk, lazy and too concerned about gaining popularity and credit.
But Jesus stepped in.
Some of those old things rear their ugly heads from time to time - but I CAN walk in total freedom from it all.
Try Him too - regardless of where you'd place yourself of the moral spectrum. We all need Him.
Later in the Bible the response of those she ran to tell reads like this: 'We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.' (John 4 verse 42)
What would your response be to my/His claims?