Sunday, 22 August 2010


I'm kicking myself. I'm all mouth, I really am. Here I am on this blog, banging on about how great God is. How amazing a new life with Jesus is. But at the moment, I kinda feel like I'm hiding behind the pen a bit with it all. A bit of a sell out.

Yesterday, I briefly dropped in on my Aunt and Uncle. My Uncle was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer a little while ago, and as he sat beside me, filling us in on where he's at with treatment, bringing us up to speed with the recent events and informing us of a recently uncompleted operation, I had one thought in mind:

Offer to pray for him, you idiot!!!!

The minutes passed by, the same pounding thought. Why on earth am I not offering to pray for this man!?!? I have seen some awesome healings in the past. Some occurring only days ago in fact. I believe with one hundred percent certainty that the God who created everything, is the God who can heal everything too. I've heard first hand accounts, some only last week, of deaf people receiving full hearing and blind their vision and yet here is a family member who I care about a lot, clearly in need of prayer. And I bottled it. I got scared.

And I am so sorry that I did. I had the chance to put faith into action and I let the moment pass.

So...let this be a lesson to me. It's all well and good blogging about this stuff. But if I really want to make an impact on those around me, writing airy-fairy paragraphs is not going to cut it. If I love this Jesus as much as I say on here...I shouldn't be allowing those kind of circumstances go by without prayer.

I hope I rise to the challenge next time.