Monday, 30 August 2010

Declare it!

'Of course I'll marry you!'
'Well done Mr Bream, I'm happy to say you passed with just 3 minors. Drive carefully!'
'I now gladly baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!'
'You may now kiss your bride!'

These are all exclamations I have heard in recent years passed. They all leave me fired up when I think back to those precise moments. They leave me excited. They leave me wanting more moments like them. They are all very hopeful expressions. You might have your own moments memorised that serve as a character-shaping milestone for who you are today. For the person you have become. I could list more of my own, but this clip below contains some far more amazing exclamations. A set of declarations far more bone-shaking, heart-stopping, jaw-dropping and life-explaining than anything else.

You might have seen this a hundred times before. Or perhaps never prior to this moment. But this could be the marker for when the penny dropped.