We all have an inheritance. We do, honest! It's freely available as well. It's watertight and doesn't involve paperwork, banks, or family squabbles. It's for everyone. The share is massive for each person and doesn't depreciate in value as times goes on. It's priceless too, financially speaking anyway. You can't buy it and it's not for sale. Although a price was paid for it originally. It came at a cost for one person. Someone had to die in order that this inheritance would come alive.
I am talking about Jesus' legacy. The stuff dreams are made of and the material that miracles are woven from.
Jesus said that 'anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.' (John 14 v12-14, NIV)
So with that responsibility in mind, a group of us at Queens Road Church, Wimbledon, stand at the threshold of a new term. We've been spending the last little while trying to put that instruction into practise. We've had some big successes, and we've encountered a few minor hiccups as well. But a new season is upon us and we've got to get back to work on this.
Jesus performed miracles. He caused sight, strength and hearing to return to those who needed it. He opened up lives with prophetic words that cut straight to the cause of an issue. He united the discontent and isolated; the proud and the self-sufficient. He did all these things and much more. But then said: "Greater things will YOU now do."
Don’t sell out for a cheapened version of living, just because the world promotes it so well. Join the group of 18-25's @QRC who are willing to lay that aside as they continue reclaiming an amazing inheritance that is Jesus’ legacy