It’s another late night and spiritually speaking he’s a couple of hundred miles away from normality and easy living. The room is cool but still, most people will be enjoying sleep by now, but not him. The noise of the day has subsided everywhere around apart from inside his own head. Turmoil. Crashing waves. Drumbeats. Warlike chanting. This is what he has signed up for now. His name’s on the list; its been carved in. It would have been much easier not to have signed up. It would have been far safer to have turned a blind eye to the innocent man’s sacrifice; to have just continued enjoying himself without a care in the world. But he has got a care for the world now. It won’t budge.
Strangers that he shouldn’t give two hoots about are now Kingdom opportunities. Friends and family walking on a different path to his will now leave his heart in knots; and all because his own sinful little eyes have been chosen and opened. This passion could drive a man insane – it probably has done many times over the centuries. And even a decade ago he would have thought this was all just dusty and outmoded; something for old women that would stifle and hold him back from real life, here and now, fun. Not the case.
His mind bends when he weighs up the potential each day could hold. The promises of something far greater than he are now his purpose. ‘His promise, my purpose’, he thinks. That has a ring to it. So he jots it down to make sure it is remembered. He doesn’t stop there; there is more to be written on this tonight. So he goes on.
Be still and know that I am the Lord, and find strength against your enemy, the voices this world believe to be unheard.
No matter what, through lashes, thorns and nails, this love endured.
No science or religion but all sin sickness forever cured.
Come to me my children, the weary and heavy laden, against my Father’s wrath, my stripes paid for them.
So be rested and blessed in this mind bending stillness.
My love will show the answers to mind’s tricks and heart’s illness.
It seems funny to him how easy it is to sum it all up so simply. It should be a lot harder surely? Explaining the truth he himself has in his own life shouldn’t be possible, let alone the fact that it can be applied to centuries of faith before his even began. Promises secure.