'First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss.' Genesis 1v1 (The Message)
I was chatting to a mate last night. He isn't a Christian, but we were engaging in a light discussion about Creation. While it is a topic I am reasonably secure in my knowledge of, it isn't a subject I get too hung up upon either. He was asking me whether I thought God created all of this in 6 literal days; whether it was 6 periods of time; how Christians explain fossils millions of years old..and so on and so forth.
To be perfectly honest, I couldn't give full and precise answers. But one thing I have always felt secure in, is the relationship I have with Jesus. It is built upon a solid foundation that doesn't bring into dispute the who's the why's and the when's of this all. I see His hand upon all of creation and I believe His mark runs through every being like a stick of rock. It's all about a heart knowledge and not just a head knowledge. I am very content in the understanding that there is nothing created that will ever fathom the depths and riches of what God did and continues to do. Science does OK, but only serves to show us a little bit more carefully or awe-inspiringly how great God's creation is. A telescope shows another billion galaxies we didn't know were out there. A microscope reveals with a bit more clarity the intricacy of a human cell. And their search continues again.
Do I think science disproves God? Not at all. It helps show how amazing His creation really is.
To quote my friend last night: 'To be fair, if you can create the Earth in the first place, you could definitely do it in six days if you wanted to.'
Snowflakes, Elephants, The Mariana trench. Don't lose your wonder at it all just because the world tells you an answer is needed for everything. Some things we will just never being able to comprehend.