I was asked last night what came to mind when I heard the word 'church'. It's probably quite an emotive word. I know I have mixed feelings when I think about it.
Growing up it was a word that bored the living daylights out of me. It meant routine, rituals and readings. I don't really even know why we bothered with it so frequently because we weren't even Christians really back then. I'd have to sit in complete silence as my Dad said his prayers. Sunday mornings meant hard seats, old ladies and an obese Malaysian organist. If memory serves. Quite a peculiar scene if you take time to properly think about it.
Yes, the building was pretty nice. There was a certain ethereal, peaceful vibe to it. But bloody hell, it was dull.
I'd imagine most people encountered on the high street or Underground would describe a similar setting if they were asked to explain what a church looked like.
But luckily for me, I encountered something more vibrant later on. A newer and definitely truer version of it. Kids work which teaches children really how to understand God. Youth work that engages with the gritty topics of the playground and stick Jesus smack bang in the middle of the issue. Student work that highlight the joy found in HIM rather than at the bottom of a bottle or in someone else's bed. The list could go on...
It's Christ-centred community. It's the awesome expression of God's love. It's His 'Plan A' for changing the world today.
It's not a building with hard seats and a steeple.
Why the heck would you not wanna see what all the fuss is about!?