So, before the serious God-stuff kicked in at the age of thirty, we all know that Jesus was a carpenter. The son of God wielded a hammer and made tables and chairs for a living. Really doesn't add up does it!? Just in case leaving Heaven, crossing the cosmos to come to Earth and then being born in a stable wasn't humbling enough for him, he then had to graft his way through life in some dusty workshop no doubt. Calloused hands, splinters and lungs full of sawdust. Probably not something he had to worry about up in Heaven before that.
But, still...the beauty of it would have completely changed if he'd come down on a cloud with a thousand unicorns playing harps in front of him (or some similar picture!).
But I don't wanna focus on this not-so-regular-blue-collar guy. I want to tell you about another.
On Sunday night, the clients we are currently working for had a miscarriage. We have just started a month's work doing up their house, so to have their home in disarray as well, was probably the last thing they needed at a time like this. After hearing of their bad news, and lost for words, my boss offered to pray for them (as far as I know, they aren't Christians). They gratefully accepted his unusual offer. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect a grubby, paint-covered tradesman to respond with.
The kingdom of God is so alive; it's staggering and exciting. To think that many tradesmen pee on the seat, fail to use the doormat for their dirty shoes and swear profusely while on a job. And here this ordinary radical stands...praying for the people he is working for.
I've said it before, but i'll say it's happening everywhere and it's amazing!