'Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe even if told.' Habakkuk 1 v5
This is directly juxtaposed with various different remarks...
'OMG! Cant believe im nearly at the end of my holiday!'
'This coursework if f****** loooong. Cant wait to go out!'
'It's my bday in three days!!!'
'How do u get rid of constant tiredness&headaches?!?!?'
...I could go on and on. But whats this got to do with a random quote from a minor prophet hundreds of decades ago, I hear you exclaim!?
These are the kind of things that I can find if I take stroll through my facebook news wall. Most of the comments look like the collection above. But every now and then someone will have posted a verse like the one at the start. And it will stop me in my tracks and all I can do is pause. The majority of the time, it's surrounded by inane drivvle. And it stands like a beacon on a dark night.
I'm not writing this to challenge what you post on facebook (although it might be wise to reconsider!). I'm commenting on it simply because it was awesome and challenging to me. To read some of the crap on there and then to get hit by this verse was amazing!
Please re-read it and get stopped in your tracks while you weigh up the potential behind those words too. It's phenominal. And it makes other statuses and remarks look pretty lightweight to me!
Please feel free to fire any questions this way if you want to know what it's referring to...