If you've been looking at stuff on this site for any length of time, you might have worked out that I'm interested in God's kingdom. You could say it's something of a distraction to me.
Last week I was at a conference which painted a great picture of what the global church is doing. Both the subtle and the very significant advances it is making. This is the kinda thing which really excites me.
So, a week later, here I am, sitting on my sofa, trying to hold on to those amazing stories and snapshots of God's gospel taking ground, though all the while feeling the spiritual temperature cooling down inside me.
How do I hold on to the excitement, the vision, the sense of togetherness!!?
I open my Bible (anywhere) and start reading!
Because it's all in there. As colourful as can be in black and white. I recommend that you give it a shot too. You don't need the conferences and the ministries to get caught up in it all. Just open your Bible and it's there too.
It really is exciting stuff.
When the kingdom and the church is in allignment, you'd better watch out. When it isn't, feel free to take a nap.