'Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the lord's purpose that prevails.' - Proverbs 19 v21
'May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.' - Psalm 20 v4
So several months back, God told me to stay in the job I'm in until September (Yes, God does speak to people. No, this does not make me crazy). As that date rapidly approaches, I have no ideas and no sense of what work will look like - other than to wait patiently at the moment...which is actually bloomin' difficult!
A month or so after the September conversation, we then felt very positive about booking a month off to go to Vietnam & Cambodia in August; two places we've wanted to visit for some time. To love travelling as much as we do, and to then go nowhere for two and half years means that this trip is a huge answer to prayer.
It builds faith for this September thing. I know His plans are to prosper and not to harm - a thought that I maintain when resisting the urge to go on the recruitment websites... We have a mini adventure in South-East Asia which He has crafted for us to enjoy, before the job hunt commenses!