I've said it before and will no doubt say it again in the future: be careful what you pray for. Because if you pray with faith, God WILL answer.
I've been praying recently for the opportunity to share my faith with my friends more frequently. There's an urgency required to witnessing that all too often I disregard.
In the last couple of days, a very close friend and colleague of mine has been asking me loads of questions about the faith I have. I love to be put on the spot like this. What will Heaven be like? Why do you pray? Do you believe in angels? What does the Bible say about Earth?
Honestly, I've had it all this week!
After hours of discussion I asked him if he would take this intrigue any further...
He said 'not yet'.
It would be easy for me to be discouraged by this, especially considering how well I thought I'd done (pride!?!). But then I take great comfort in knowing that God is SO on this guy's case - so much so, I don't think he even realises yet. With every deep question I can just imagine him walking closer to Jesus' outstretched arms.
So I'll continue to hope for him/Him to ask those big questions of me.
'But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.' - 1 Peter 3 v15