So, apparently, the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective (!?). Not bad, eh?
Depends on your definition of 'effective' really. If effective means that God gives you everything your heart desires, then that's not a true statement. If your prayer life is one long list of demands, instead of an ongoing dialogue, then I dunno how effective it's all going to be. If by effective you're hoping for immediate answers/satisfaction to your situation, then you might be one very unhappy service-user (which is basically what you are if you treat time with God like it's some kind of customer service complaint line).
But if your time with Him (each day!) involves stopping, listening and then responding, you might get somewhere. I've been making a concerted effort recently to stop and listen before I make my 'demands'...and it's so hard! I get about 20 seconds in and then start reeling off the list!
If our hearts desires aren't given straight away (or ever), it doesn't mean that prayer is ineffective. We're still getting God's response, which is far more helpful in the long run - whether that's a 'No', Yes' or 'Not yet' (think of His responses like a set of traffic lights next time you're weighing it up).
I found this verse in 1 Thessalonians 5 pretty helpful when waiting on the 'effectiveness' of my prayers: 'The One who called you is completely dependable. If He said it, He'll do it!' (v24 MSG).
He's not likely to forget about you, is He now!?!
Such planning. Such precision. Such an adventure.