Tuesday, 18 October 2011

'A good plan today beats a perfect plan tomorrow.' - PJ Smyth

This is one of those backward Kingdom truths that doesn't make sense until you're knee-deep in a situation that requires you to seriously weigh the options in front. And when you do, God's grace explains such statements and you can sit back and sigh with relief. 

The context: Last week I was told that I hadn't made the cut for a job, following an interview that I had prepared my butt off for. 

Disheartened - perhaps. But prior to the interview, I had prayed that if God wanted me there, I'd get the job (the salary, some stability, direction etc). If He didn't want me there, I would fully pursue a new position as an Intern elsewhere. 

That was Plan B right? Yes, maybe on paper. But this afternoon, after meeting with some people at this new company, I am excited by the prospect of a new challenge and relieved to remember that my God will provide, always.

I had wanted the pay and the security. He had wanted me elsewhere, it would seem. So, with this in mind i'll give thanks for this 'good' plan I've been presented; and be relieved to know my 'perfect' plan, in actual fact, probably wouldn't have been so spot on in this instance.