Wednesday, 2 November 2011

It is finished.

Three incredibly loaded words that pretty much changed the face of history and eternity. They leave no room for confusion, doubt or hidden extras. When Jesus yelled out (and He did muster the strength to yell, despite the agony), He really really meant those three words. 

I've been trying to learn a bit about Grace in the last couple of days. I'm definitely of the persuassion (or at least act as though I am) that I can somehow add to my salvation. Like some extra good deed or drive towards holiness might add to what Jesus did when He was held out on that cross for hours on end.

Like heck I can. And I'd be wise to hurry up and realise that!

You might be of the other persuassion - assuming that you can freeload all you want on Grace. A half-hearted lifestyle 'in the name of Jesus' that basically gives the finger to the gracious love of God. 

I'm not sure which is worse to be honest. But what I do know is this: 'It is finished' means - it IS finished. That's phrased simply enough for me/you to weigh carefully over these next few days. If you think you need to go the extra mile to add to it, you're in the wrong. If you think you can go luke-warm on it again and again because Grace forgives - then that needs some addressing too. 

Work hard/Pray hard AND enjoy your freedom. Pray that He helps you reallign that balance this week.