Friday, 4 November 2011

Jesus could have said: ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, two or three of the group are going to have an issue with lust/porn or any other sexually charged sin’. It might have been reassuring for the impressive numbers of young guys that I have spoken/ prayed with in my time as a Christian.

But something this morning on the tube made me sit up and take notice. I think sometimes in churches and Christian Unions, there can be a big focus on young guys admitting and being accountable for their physical struggles. The spotlight usually falls on them, when lust and porn is mentioned. This morning I sat opposite three very mature businessmen on my way into work. Suited, booted and married. Respectable, upstanding looking men…and all three of them could not take their eyes off the young lady sitting along from me – opposite them. It was almost embarrassing to watch them getting tied up in all sorts of mental knots. I wish I had had some ice at hand to help them all cool off; they were so hot under the collar! Quite possibly with daughters the same age as she was as well.

It just made me realise how easy it is for churches to think that they should start tackling struggles of this nature within the youth work, when more often than not, I bet the older guys could use all the help they could get too (!?).

People in their teens and 20’s that I know, love to talk about it. They’re ruthlessly frank about how they struggle/find pleasure in this area – who’s fit, what they watch and how often they look at it etc etc. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a mature person share about it.

Just saying – yes young people are the focus for much of the attention on sexual sin. But the older bunch could maybe take a leaf out of their books and be bolder with how they share/deal with it maybe?