Last night someone painted a mental picture which was so encouraging to me - just what I needed to hear.
It's easy to doubt that the prayers you pray over people are going to do something significant in those lives. But this image suggests they will.
With each prayer prayed, lines of 'gunpowder' form networks between individuals. The more you pray, the thicker or longer the line becomes. That line is not broken…it just might need to run for longer than we had first imagined.
And it takes just one spark to ignite - just one. Think of the barrels of 'gunpowder' that certain individuals must be sitting on after years of us praying for them. We might not have reaped the prayers sowed so far, but lets not doubt that those reserves of powder/power will one day amount to something incredibly significant.
The lines were never blurred or broken - it was only our own doubt that stopped the motion. The prayer-influence that must surround the people we pray for is incredible. The reaches of which are only truly visible from Heaven.
When God ignites with the smallest of sparks - just stand back in awe and watch the Holy Spirit's power explode through the fuel of countless prayers.
It'll dwarf the biggest fireworks display you've ever seen.