Monday, 20 February 2012

If you've never been before. If you decided to stop going when you became an adult. If you fell out with a previous church. If you're divorced. If you have been in prison. If you make money illegally. If you're practising another religion. If you're gay. If you're straight. If you are into porn. If you think you hate God. If you think He doesn't exist. If you're addicted to drink and drugs. If you can't be bothered. If you think you don't need it. If you've been put off by some of the whacky spiritual preacher-people on the Internet. If you've got lots of money. If you're hard-up and out of work. If you don't want to change your routine. 

Just give it a shot.

Whatever your past or present situation/excuse - you shouldn't EVER disqualify yourself from visiting a church. There is a God who died to get to know you and a community nearby dying to introduce you to Him. 

It 'aint weird, it's wonderful.