This weekend I stood in a room along with men who I very
much admire. All of whom have challenged, inspired and sharpened me at some
stage and last night it was great to witness them all gathering together and
rallying as one.
There are some remarkable characters and some impressive talents within
that group. Amazing technical minds, seriously gifted musicians, courageous
speakers, loving husbands and bold and peaceful individuals alike. The kinda
men you’d want beside you for the long-haul and when the going gets tough.
There weren’t many of us – though there was enough to know that a
dramatic difference can be made in our church and within the spheres of
influence that we find ourselves in across London.
One key area that was highlighted was the need to continually get
alongside each other in support and prayer. Going it alone just doesn’t work.
The world throws a million and one ‘gods’ our way to bow down to and most make
the mistake of bowing down.
The examples could go on and on. And if you're going it alone at the moment, you'll allow these excuses and doubts to take root without that loving slap from a friend nearby who can perhaps see your stupid filters on life for what they really are - sin, comfort and pride.
In Daniel 3 we see amazing brotherhood and Godly masculinity in the examples displayed by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - three men of God who stood tall together, despite all that the world was throwing at them.
'Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, WE do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If WE are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God WE serve is able to deliver US from it, and he will deliver US from your Majesty's hand. But even if he does not, WE want you to know, your Majesty, that WE will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.' (the image of gold today could come in the form of popularity, money, comfort, sex, greed, etc, etc)
These men stood shoulder to shoulder through this - I reckon it might have been a different scenario had they been in it alone.
If you go it alone in your walk with God, you'll allow the world to hack away at your true Godly masculinity and you may not even realise it. Allow the men of your church to get beside you to strengthen and rebuild you through what is guaranteed to be a constant and sustained onslaught from a Devil who really tries to kill, steal and destroy your life.
You won't regret taking this advice, I promise.