Sunday, 13 May 2012

Your first love...

I love football. I always have. But to be honest, of late, I only pay it occasional attention. There really are bigger fish to fry.

But today's end of season finale was pretty damn remarkable to say the least. Almost scripted to perfection.

It's pretty cool to see tens of thousands of people erupting jubilantly in unison. Emotions were clearly soaring.  But what I find slightly peculiar was the tears shed by grown men in the crowd, as their team battled through. I'm not hard-hearted and I wouldn't say I was a sissy, but I think I save my tears for slightly more significant moments.

Such emotion towards a sport got me thinking.

What are you MOST passionate about in life?

That might be something that you've never considered before, but just spend a moment weighing up your options. It might indeed be football. It might be a good night out or it might be helping the homeless. It could be absolutely anything really.

But, if you're a Christian, I would argue that your main passion should be Jesus. If your knee-jerk response to that previous question wasn't regarding Him, then I wonder why that is? 

The Gospel was once so compelling and captivating that it caught your attention and changed your life in incredible ways.  What's since diluted that love and focus?

If your team wins 3-0 do you jump for joy and talk about it to whoever will listen? And if somebody comes to know Jesus, gets baptised or even begins to show signs of interest, would you react with similar butterflies in your stomach and excitement in your voice?

My first love is Jesus and being part of what He's building down here.

What's yours, really?