Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What's your worth?

Two minutes up the road from me is about a square mile of houses that are all worth well into the 7 figures. Serious wealth, right on our doorstep. And last night a group of us went to do some leafleting to inform them about some of the church work that goes on in their area.

Behind the huge gates, long driveways and giant front doors, it was hard to imagine the kind of lives that would have had to have been lived in order to get one of these places. A certain degree of worldly success can definitely be assumed though. 

As we walked along it was hard not to be in awe of some of these properties and I'm certain there are some amazing people behind the big porches and flash Porsches, but statistically very few of them are church attending Christians.

I think that when you have as much as they have and material life is incredibly comfortable, it's hard to see the need for a Saviour who’s first call is to ask you to give up your all to follow Him. Some just have too much to give up in most cases. 

But behind each mini castle are lives that are just as broken, confused and in need of Jesus as those in the high rise council flats a few minutes down the road - different kinds of addictions, anger and apathy in both. 

After I had gotten over the astounding architecture I realised/remembered that I wouldn't swap a moment in Jesus' presence for a lifetime of such opulence. My inheritance is secure forever in eternity; theirs is presently tied up in property or held in a safe.

A man once asked the question: "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" I hope the leaflets will reveal something of the truth behind that question to them.