'For this is what the Sovereign lord says: I myself will
search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his
scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will
rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds
and darkness.'
- Ezekial 34 v11-12
'Sovereign lord, my strong deliverer, you shield my head in
the day of battle.'
- Psalm 140 v7
Sometimes life throws a curve ball. Last night as we chatted
and prayed with two of our good friends, such a curve ball was discussed. We love these guys, but they are seriously
going through it at the moment.
As they unpacked the situation it would have been easy to
see the doom and gloom of it all - like a heavy black cloud thundering right
over their heads. But all I could see was peace.
If I was in their situation (which is totally not beyond the
bounds of possibility), I'm not sure how I'd be responding; though I really
hope and pray that my reaction might mirror theirs somewhat.
She said: "How could we NOT still praise God through
When God takes the top spot in your life, that doesn't mean
it's all flowers and sunshine from here on in. The tough times are sure to
still come - as our friends can very recently testify. But the grace and peace
that God floods you with is truly remarkable.
They should be angry and confused with God - most would be,
considering the situation. Instead, these guys still proclaim Him as
Whatever the outcome, they're gonna make sure He's