'Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabus (which means Son of Encouragement), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles feet.' (Acts 4 v36-37)
This isn't a topic that I've particularly commented on in depth before - though it's a huge theme to consider.
Yesterday I received my pay cheque. The first full-month pay slip I've received in almost 2 and a half years.
ALL this time, God has provided for us. I have never once gone into my overdraft and I can't think of a point where we've had to scrimp or worry, despite long periods of volunteer work and unemployment.
It's quite common for people to think that Christians worship God in such ways as not swearing or not having sex before marriage. But to a world that is obsessed with money, worshipping Jesus with your finances doesn't really add up at all. Surely He doesn't need our money to work into lives? Surely if we've worked hard all week, we should be able to spend our money on what WE want?
Those are a couple of the more common lies at least.
I'm no accountant (which probably doesn't come as a surprise), and I was always shocking at Maths, but when it is suggested in the Bible that 10% of our money should be worshipfully given over to God's work each month, that strikes me as a pretty good deal! He gets 10% (even though it's from Him in the first place), and we get to keep the remainder (along with some for Mr Taxman).
He gives it to us and then He chooses to do work using a small percentage of it. I think I'll accept that offer.
I'm aware that a number of people reading this are not all that old, so I've worked out some practical thoughts that I have found very helpful over the last few years (apologies if you're a mature Christian who has been generously giving for longer than I've been alive!)
- worship Him when you give: don't don't do it begrudgingly or nervously. He gave you that money in the first place; you're investing it into an incredibly safe account with amazing returns.
- set up a direct debit with your church: don't rely on the shrapnel in your wallet each week. Think of a figure, increase that by about 50% just for fun, and then sit back and enjoy the feelings of adventure and adrenaline. Trust me - it's dangerous and counter-cultural and it's the kind of behaviour that starts big work!
- Don't tell anyone what the amount is: just keep it between you and Him and watch how He increases, stretches and blesses the other 90%.
There are heaps of other lessons to be learnt through this, but I've found these 3 to be helpful during the periods of feeling flush and when my wallet was covered in dust and cobwebs.
It's easy to get trapped over a million and one issues. But if you walk freely with your attitude towards money, many other areas of life are effected and developed.