For me it marked the first anniversary of becoming a Dad (and therefore the first birthday of my son). But it also marked something that some (and I am one of that number) would consider far more significant. This weekend exactly a decade ago, I walked down into the waters of the baptism pool, in front of friends, family and various others, and declared publicly that I thought Jesus' message was totally legit and absolutely worth surrendering my life to. The single greatest decision I have ever made.
I am eternally grateful to the people who had listened to this command before I had and who sought me out when I wasn't a believer - speaking to me, praying for me and loving me enough to help me realise that this message wasn't just some fairytale or unattainable riddle to go through life confused by. A decade later, I am totally and utterly convinced that it's still so, so true (even more so than I did on that first day of belief). It has been a decade of incredible grace and shaping by the Creator who made me in the first place. A decade of both hard lessons and complete awestruck wonder. But the further down the road I walk, the more I realise He was being honest when He assured us that He'd always be with us, to the very end.
It's the most amazing adventure to put your belief in Jesus, to get baptised and then to go out and tell others about this truth, so that they can put their belief in Jesus, get baptised and go out and tell others about this truth. Over and over and over and over again. I don't think there's a greater purpose in life.
Here's to the next ten years.