Friday, 11 November 2011

If you’ve spent any great length of time with me, you’ll have heard me talk about my Grandfather. 92 years old and still going strong. One of my fave people to spend time with. So when the clock strikes 11am today – on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th year, not only do I remember how fortunate I am to live in a free country, but I recall the lifetime of courage and leadership that now sits in an armchair in an old people’s home.

The D-Day landings are probably as close to Hell as anyone will get whilst on Earth. I have such faith that it was the closest to Hell my Grandfather will ever get.

Isaiah 2 v4 reads : ‘They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not take up sword against nation, neither shall they train for war any more.

There is something significant about the symmetry of today’s time and date – don’t miss the opportunity to join me in praying for a day when war is no more and to thank God for the peace which we’ve all enjoyed in our lifetimes.