Wednesday, 16 November 2011

So last night was fairly significant for us. We announced that our burgeoning Life Group was going to become two in a few weeks time – with two amazing new leaders stepping into some new shoes in the process.

Whenever God chooses to work through something, it’s powerful.

Only a few months back, my wife and I started praying simple prayers for our group, which at the time consisted of only a few (albeit very committed) people. We were content with buckling down and getting on with stewarding that small group, if that’s what He needed us to do.

He didn’t.

Since those short, but reasonably faith-filled prayers – He has moved. So when 18 people squeezed into our living room last night, it was clear that the fruit needed to be carried in two separate baskets (so to speak).

To see such a close community in action, after such a short length of time, is incredibly exciting – and there is nowhere else I’d have rather been last night.

So after we had discussed the changes and the direction the two groups would pursue, there was nothing else to do but celebrate all that God has been doing in the lives of our group.

To echo one prayer last night – to His Kingdom, we aren’t separating, dividing, going different ways – we’re simply (or powerfully, depending on how you want to look at it) expanding. It’s all one and the same to Him. One focus; one direction; one Gospel advancing – we’ll just be much better positioned to claim more ground as multiple units now.

These are exciting times.