Sunday, 18 March 2012

An internationally successful and very wealthy young man drops unconsious infront of tens of thousands of people on a football pitch and one of the main images that the media focus on is the scene minutes after he falls. Players and fans alike, praying. Quite a significant number of them too. 

Why is it that when something such as this happens, a common knee-jerk reaction is to pray to a God who is more commonly ignored 99% of the time? When a desperate situation hits, its not uncommon for usually self-sufficient, self-made individuals to cry out to a God who they normally claim they can live without.

I wonder why this is? 

Charles Spurgeon once stated that 'prayer is the slender nerve that moves the arm of omnipotence.' 

90% of the time this country appear to pay little credence to this; or would at least admit to doing so. But when push comes to shove - when pain, crisis or loss come crashing through the door, we'll flee into the arms of a God who is powerfully present 100% of the time. 

If you think I'm talking rubbish, just wait and see. Hopefully a calamity won't befall you, but God will use any means necessary in order to grab your attention to begin a discussion with you.